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Bored Story/Rant

Here's a story about how bored I am:

I am really bored right now and I have decided to type this story on how bored and tired I am. I am very tired, as I only got five hours of sleep, and couldn't fall asleep until really late. I am looking off into space and can't think straight, this isn't good.

Listening to my music helps me stay alert since I'm listening to the lyrics, which helps me concentrate. Doing my work and typing is also helping me stay alert. Last class I almost fell asleep since we were reading and it didn't help.

I go to lunch next hour and I hope I don't fall asleep on the table. I also can't take a nap when I get home because I have to go to driver's ed/ driving school and I don't get home until late too. I really hope that the school would recognize that starting school early too, doesn't help.

The school's lunch is also very bad, which is why I take my lunch. When I was in elementary school, they always told me that the food gets better, especially in high school, but let me tell you. IT DOES NOT!!!! I think that the food was better in Kindergarten when the school had money. We got muffins, pancakes, french toast, fruit salad, and peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches for breakfast and lunch.

There are also too may fights here and lockdowns. I don't feel safe at school anymore, and I think that no-one shouldn't feel safe, especially at school, where we're here to get a valued education.

When the school had told us that they were checking backpacks for the rest of the year, I thought that it's ridiculous because getting a metal detector would be better. When the check our backpacks, they didn't even check my purse, or any other of my zippers/pockets in my backpack. They didn't thoroughly check anything, only looked and lifted up my lunchbag, which still had stuff underneath, but didn't bother to look more. On the intercom, they announced that they would check backpacks for the est of the year, which they didn't. They only checked it Friday, that same day they started.

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